Thursday, December 13, 2012

Objective Assessments of Student Learning

Tests, Tests, Tests.  Is it the only way to adequately see the results of student learning?  In my opinion the answer is no.   There are a wide variety of ways that students can show what they have learned.  Projects show multiple facets of what a child can do.  Writing, Art, Science, Social Studies, etc.  Portfolios allow for different types of evaluation.  Many students struggle with traditional tests.  Their attention span, which is limited, makes it more difficult to assess what the student knows or does not know.  I did some research and found that Evernote has a great platform for setting up digital files, then scanning papers and assignments into the files.
Everyone has their own way of thinking and their own way of showing their gifts.  Multiple choice, fill in the blank, matching, essays are just some of the traditional ways for students to show what they know.  But there are many other options like dioramas, posters, PowerPoint or other presentations like Prezi, building models, making scrapbook pages for a notebook, etc., etc.  The list goes on and on.  There are so many creative ideas and people out their to create new ideas.  My daughter Brittney showed her creativity in making a magazine to show what she had learned.

So, the idea that tests are the only objective assessments of student learning?  I think not!  What do you think?

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Image retrieved from

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Technology Infused Classroom

Technology Infused Classroom

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Picture this:  A room where every child has a laptop.  They come into the room and sync with the teacher as they have brought their laptops from home with their homework completed the evening before.   The students viewed a few sites I had put on our classroom website for them to explore.  They needed to list one or two questions on the site that they wondered or would like to find the answers to.  I have access to technology remotely while moving around the classroom and engaging students.  Students are grouped by ability for some group activities in Reading and homogeneous groupings for other projects and activities.  There is a blog for students to interact about books they are reading or class topic discussions.  I am able to work individually or with small groups to help those who are struggling.

Due to cost issues and internet access ability some of the above may not be as feasible as pictured above.  Some students do not have access or equipment available.  Some districts do not have the funds to offer one-to-one computer access to their students.  Even still there is much that can be done to infuse technology into what we are teaching today.

 Every person and student of course we all know learns differently. Over the years of teaching and professional development opportunities we hear of differentiated instruction and work on reaching each one of our students so that no child will be left behind. Our world is changing and children's brains are developing differently than in the past. On top of that technology changes even more quickly than we as humans do. We need to keep up with those changes and teach children so that they will be able to utilize these new technologies.  Education and learning are much more effective if students internalize and desire that knowledge. If we are to continue and develop students desire to learn then we need to integrate technology throughout the day and teach students how to problem-solve and think critically about what they learn.

Teaching with PowerPoint helps draw the learner into the lesson with pictures and media.  I have found something new with Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010.  It is called Mouse Mischief.  Students may interact with the PowerPoint lesson using wired or wireless computer mice.  WebQuests allow students to search and learn with guided direction in the way of linked sources that are set up ahead of time and viewed by the teacher for safety.  Programs like Kidspiration help students in planning before writing stories or reports.  Students may then write their stories using a Word Program.  SkyDrive  is a software utility that has a word processing program and presentation software.  These are free to use and you can store files for easy retrieval later.  Students can work on assignments and won't have to worry about forgetting their work at home.  They just log in at school and work from school, then go home and work at home.  They may also collaborate with other students from home to work on their projects, activities, or assignments.

Image retrieved from  

To integrate and infuse technology in my classroom means making the technology available and guiding my students on how to use this technology safely.  As I add new technology and utilize what I have my students learn to be involved and make choices in their own learning.  Even if they are only in Second Grade.  I want my students to have access to the world!

Retrieved November 19, 2012, fromret

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Visual Literacy & the Internet

Visual literacy and the use of the Internet impact my teaching and my students and my learning process daily in my classroom.  More students are visual learners than are auditory learners.  When both elements are combined, there is a stronger possibility of more students being reached.  As a teacher my desire is to reach every one of my students.  Each one has the capacity for gaining knowledge and using that knowledge to expand their horizons.  How do I accomplish this?  Provide opportunities for my students to grasp concepts, analyze what they are learning, and to use that knowledge to create and reach for new knowledge.

To engage my students I use PowerPoint presentations, pictures, and video clips.  I was able to download a video of a tour of a fire station to show my students and compare with the story we were reading for A Trip to the Firehouse.  My colleagues and I use scientific awards that are a picture with a sentence description.  The students then save these and it gives them a visual and description that they have access to learn and it serves as a reward as well.  Using pictures I am able to help students come up with a topic sentence and details to help them build and organize their writing.  I use pictures and PowerPoint presentations to demonstrate spelling, sight words, and vocabulary words.  These visuals help the students understand the words they are learning and their meaning with the pictures and symbols. Our English Language learners understand even better and more clearly when visuals are connected to the auditory and written words.
Here is the video of the tour of the fire station we viewed.

I want to utilize WebQuest activities more in my class.  I would like to get my students engaged and communicating using Edmodo.  Implementation of virtual field trips and Skype for the classroom to have guest speakers would improve engagement and bring more learning experiences to my students.  I have explored ePals and would like to implement the use of the program to have my students communicate with students in another state.  My desire with the Internet is for my students to use the Internet to expand their horizons and to become critical thinkers and to learn to use scholarly communication.  


  • A Tour of Fire Station 6. Perf. Firefighters of Station 6. YouTube, 2011. Film.  

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Using Various Teaching Strategies in the 21st Century

       Learning Styles:  What is your learning style?  I found this very evident when working with my youngest daughter when she was in Kindergarten.  We would work and work on her memory verses only to find that she still didn't remember them when it came to her needing to say them at school on Fridays.  About half way through the year when she started to be able to read, she began to remember them if we studied together while she looked at the paper.  She definitely is a visual learner!

Daily teachers need to choose strategies and avenues in which to reach their students to meet their learning style needs.  When only one or two strategies are implemented then the possibility of only a small percentage of students will be reached.  When a variety of teaching strategies are used then the possibility of higher percentages of students will understand the content and excel.  Students learn in many different ways.  Many teachers choose lecture or presentation as a mode to teaching.  I prefer the term 'direct instruction' which allows for teaching the class as a whole so that it will only have to be said once.  The best way to do this is in providing interaction with PowerPoint, pictures, slides, etc.  It is the best practice to use as many different strategies as possible to reach as many students in your class as possible.  Sometimes this is in lecture (direct instruction), hands on, collaboration, etc.  Lessons need to be taught and retaught more than one time as well in order to solidify the knowledge.  The more exposure of a skill or standard the more likely the student will learn and be able to process and apply that information.  Variety is also important.  Using different strategies at different times allows for the teacher and students not to be stuck in a rut doing the same thing over and over.

I have read through and learned about so many teaching strategies.  There are teacher taught strategies and student lead strategies.  Technology is important in that students will need to be aware of how to be a good digital citizen.  Students will be using computers more and more and need to learn how to use the technology and how to access what they need to learn.  Teachers can use PowerPoint and other similar presentation programs to keep the students engaged.  Simulations, learning centers, demonstrations, and discovery strategies keep students wanting to come back for more and make learning interesting.  By using collaboration software like Edmodo ( ) students get a chance to discuss and communicate with each other.  These provide higher order thinking and critical thinking skills among students.

My Second grade students are young, but can still learn how to be digital citizens, use different types of technology (including typing skills: ) so that they will be ready to do more and more on computers when they reach upper grades.  Some sites that I use for math are: XtraMath:; and TenMarks: .   I want to give them every opportunity to grow into mature, responsible and well educated adults that can be leaders in their and our futures.

By: Shawn Marie Dauss