Thursday, December 13, 2012

Objective Assessments of Student Learning

Tests, Tests, Tests.  Is it the only way to adequately see the results of student learning?  In my opinion the answer is no.   There are a wide variety of ways that students can show what they have learned.  Projects show multiple facets of what a child can do.  Writing, Art, Science, Social Studies, etc.  Portfolios allow for different types of evaluation.  Many students struggle with traditional tests.  Their attention span, which is limited, makes it more difficult to assess what the student knows or does not know.  I did some research and found that Evernote has a great platform for setting up digital files, then scanning papers and assignments into the files.
Everyone has their own way of thinking and their own way of showing their gifts.  Multiple choice, fill in the blank, matching, essays are just some of the traditional ways for students to show what they know.  But there are many other options like dioramas, posters, PowerPoint or other presentations like Prezi, building models, making scrapbook pages for a notebook, etc., etc.  The list goes on and on.  There are so many creative ideas and people out their to create new ideas.  My daughter Brittney showed her creativity in making a magazine to show what she had learned.

So, the idea that tests are the only objective assessments of student learning?  I think not!  What do you think?

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